Ramis Imilbaev
Front End Engineer

Why I decided to start writing this blog

It's kind an old-school to have your own website nowadays. Nevertheless for me it's kind a hobbi. Some love fishing, others art and I prefer web development. Why not?

The main objectives of the blog

1. Writing articles.

According to research the more you write about something, the more of that information remains in your head. Furthermore, writing an article requires an extensive research on the subject. Thus, it's a way to learn something new and save well structured information in brain.

Sometimes, there is specific knowledge that you want to share with others and save someones time.

2. Learn how to express my thoughts in English.

For now, I understand English well. I have no problem whatching TV series and movies, reading books and articles in English. However, sometimes I can't string two sentences together. Thus, this blog is an attempt to get out of my comfort zone.

3. One place for information about me

It is very handy when there is a place where you can send someone who wants to know something about you. Profile links, work, some stuff, faq and so on.

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